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Ivy House School

Working together to;
Inspire, Nurture, Empower

Fundamental British Values & SMSC

All schools have a duty to ‘actively promote’ the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. At Ivy House School, we want to ensure that all children become valuable and fully rounded members of society who are included in all areas and understand the importance of treating others with respect and tolerance, regardless of background.

We ensure that our curriculum includes opportunities to develop work against the areas of the values; this includes providing all pupils with a voice that is listened to, and using extra-curricular activities.

You can find out about Fundamental British Values by clicking this link.

The values we promote are: Equality, Respect to others, Co-operation, Responsibility, Compassion, Democracy and Right & Wrong. 

These have been adapted to make them more assessible for our learners to:

  • Believe in yourself
  • Show you know right and wrong
  • Contribute to your community
  • Accept other people’s beliefs
  • Respect those who keep us safe.


How do we promote these values at Ivy House?

We are explicit in promoting our fundamental belief that Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural learning is at the heart of everything we do in school. This is not taught as a separate subject, as it involves every part of life and learning at Ivy House. We provide opportunities for pupils to explore their own culture and have a clear understanding and appreciation of a wide range of cultural influences that have shaped modern Britain. We encourage all children to be tolerant and respectful to those of different faiths and beliefs. Our pupils are polite, caring and sociable with the confidence to learn and live alongside others.

Click here to find out how we deliver SMSC throughout the school day

What activities do we offer at Ivy House?

  • Weekly assemblies
  • Daily acts of collective worship in class groups
  • Themed days – including charitable events, such as Children in Need & Red Nose Day
  • Positive behaviour ethos
  • Celebrating different faiths and cultures through the curriculum modules and themes
  • PSHE sessions and discussions, as appropriate, regarding rules
  • Extended school curriculum, including trips within the locality
  • School fairs and enterprise projects
  • Dramatic and musical performances for all pupils