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Ivy House School

Working together to;
Inspire, Nurture, Empower


Please click below to read our policies. If you would like a paper copy of a policy to read, please request this from the school office and it will be provided free of charge.

Administration of Medication in Schools Policy

Admissions Arrangements

Adverse Weather Policy (SET)

Allergy Awareness Policy

Anti Bullying Policy 

Anti-Bullying Charter - (Child Friendly)

Assessment Recording & Reporting Policy

Assessment Recording & Reporting Policy (SET)

Attendance Policy (Pupils)

Behaviour Policy

Bereavement Policy

CCTV Policy

Charges and Remissions Policy (SET)

Collective Worship Policy 

Control of Assets Policy (SET)

Compliments and Complaints Policy (SET)

Complaint Form - Stage 2 & 3 (SET) - Click to download

Curriculum Policy (SET)

Curriculum Annex - (Academy additions to Trust-wide Policy)

Data Protection Policy (SET)

Data Protection Annex - (Academy additions to Trust-wide Policy)

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Policy) (SET)

Equality Objectives (Ivy House School)

Equality Objectives (SET)

Exclusions Policy (SET)

Fire Safety Policy (SET)

Freedom of Information Policy (SET)

Handling Allegations Against Staff Policy (SET)

Inclusion Policy

Insurance Policy (SET)

Lettings Policy (Academy additions to Trust-wide Policy)

Literacy Catch Up Funding Report - Please see our Grant Funding Page

Looked After Children Policy (SET)

Managing Allegations Against Pupils Policy

Mental Health & Wellbeing Policy

Modern Slavery Policy (SET)

Noise in the Workplace Policy (SET)

Operating Procedures / Emergency Action Plan (Hydro Pool)

Online Safety (E-Safety) Policy (SET)

Physical Prompt Policy

Pool Safety Procedures


Primary PE and Sport Premium Funding Report - Please see our Grant Funding Page

Pupil Premium Policy

Pupil Premium Report - Please see our Grant Funding Page

Relationships and Sex Education Policy

Remote Learning Policy

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (SET)

Safe Use of Wheelchairs Policy (SET)

SEND Policy (SET)

SEND Policy (School)

Single Equality Policy

Staff Safeguarding Supervision Policy

Supporting Pupils At School With Medical Conditions Policy

Use of Reasonable Force Policy (SET)

Unacceptable Behaviour Towards Staff(SET)

Whistleblowing Policy (SET)