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Ivy House School

Working together to;
Inspire, Nurture, Empower

National Lockdown January 2021

Stay home and save lives plea as thousands test positive | City Of  Wolverhampton Council

Following the announcement from the Government on Monday 4th January 2021, we are now following the guidance in relation to the current National Lockdown.

Currently, our provision is open to vulnerable children and those of critical and key workers. 

If you have elected to keep your child at home then you will find lots of useful information and home learning within the Covid-19 Updates page: 


We understand how challenging the national restrictions are for all of our children, families and staff. However, it's important to remember that you are not alone and we are available to help and support over the coming weeks. We have links with many local agencies, including charities, food banks and mental health services. Please feel free to call school and speak with a member of the team, who will be happy to talk and support. 


We are offering home learning for all children who are not able to access the in-school provision. This includes 3 key elements:

1) Physical bag of resources to complete with your child at home.

2) Pre-recorded online learning to complete at a time that suits you and your child. 

3) Live learning with the class team and fellow children from your child's class. 


We know that families will have their own preference over the mode of home learning that best suits their needs. We are flexible and hope that the offer above provides you with the support to keep your child active and engaged whilst at home. If you need any support in accessing the resources then please contact your child's class teacher in the first instance. 


Stay safe and please contact the school should you have any further questions. 

Many thanks

The Leadership Team