Assessment Results
Ivy House School is required to publish the end of year attainment for pupils within school. Teachers and class staff work together throughout the year to ensure that we have an accurate picture of pupil progress at every level.
In order to gain as broad a picture of the way our pupils learn as possible, we use Evidence for Learning to collect and collate clear information about individual pupils. Staff must be certain that the pupils are credited for what they can do by themselves and not what we interpret as being their true intent. For many of our pupils, their progress will not be able to be charted in a linear way but, they will show the developments in a more lateral sense and may show breadth and depth of learning. Once evidence is collected it is mapped against a range of criteria, including:
- The Engagement Model
- Rainbow Profile
- EHCP targets
- Personal Learning Goals (PLG)
- Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement -RARPA (14-19 department only)
- Mapping and Assessing Personal Progress – MAPP (14-19 department only)
How do we assess learning?
- The principle of assessment is to check and identify what a child understands and what they need to learn next.
- We assess learning on a daily basis and lesson by lesson.
- Progress is checked on a termly basis by the teacher and a member of the Senior Leadership Team.
- Individual targets are set for the end of each year and end of each Key Stage.
- Every child will receive a written report during the year surrounding their progress, as well as having an Personal Learning Goals (PLGs) created each term.
- The PLG will link to the 'Longer Term Outcomes' identified on the Education, Health & Care Plan.
- There are 2 Parent and Teacher Meetings scheduled throughout the year to discuss each child’s progress.
Please click to see our results and contact the school for further information:
Whole School Assessment Overview (2022-2023)
Whole School Assessment Overview (2021-2022)
The school also holds information for progress and attainment at the end of each Key Stage. However, there are 5 or fewer pupils within the relevant year groups and so we avoid making these figures public to protect individual privacy. This is in line with guidance from the Department for Education. Please contact Ian Armstrong (Headteacher) to request this information if required.
- Key Stage 1 (Year 2) Assessment Results
- Key Stage 2 (Year 6) Assessment Results
- Key Stage 3 (Year 9) Assessment Results
- Key Stage 4 (Year 11) Assessment Results